Beauty of Bohemian Paradise…
… must-see places worth visiting!
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Top spots in Bohemian Paradise

One of the most beautiful regions in the country needs no special introduction, but we will be happy to recommend interesting and attractive places worth visiting. Upon your arrival, we can advise where to go cycling, where to take your children or where to find the best monuments and sights.


Built around 1260 on three sandstone rock blocks at the edge of a rock city, this castle consists of three parts originally connected with wooden bridges. Builders chose to carve some chambers of the castle into the foundation rock itself. The castle was permanently inhabited until mid-16th century when it was destroyed by fire. Later it came into possession of Albrecht von Wallenstein. In the 18th century, a small baroque church and two stone bridges were added – one of which is adorned by statues of saints to this day. In the 19th century, the castle underwent neogothic alterations, resulting in a radical change of its overall appearance. At present, you can visit the interior of classicist and romantic palaces with period furniture or the Chapel of the Saint John of Nepomuk. In the medieval vaults, there is an exhibition dedicated to sandstone and when you climb the castle walls, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the immediate surroundings.

Hrubá Skála Chateau

In the 16th century, the original medieval castle was converted to a renaissance chateau by the noble family of Smiřický von Smiřice. Later on, it underwent further baroque and neogothic alterations. Nowadays a hotel, where tourists can access the courtyard and the tower from which they can enjoy a wonderful view.

Panteon - Malá Skála

This castle ruin is situated on a steep sandstone cliff above the town of Malá Skála. Built in the 15th century, its highest watchtower was placed on the highest natural rock formation. Since many of the individual buildings were made of wood, only a large number of cellars and chambers carved into the rock remain preserved to this day. The ruin is accessible from Malá Skála when following the red trail mark. There is a beautiful view of the Jizera River and rock formations of Drábovna, Sokol and Suché skály.

Humprecht Chateau

Fairly unusual shape of this baroque chateau can remind you of a space rocket, but those who travel will probably recall the Galata Tower in Constantinople (Istanbul). Built in the 1660s, the chateau was rebuilt several times since – most recently in the 1970s. Originally intended to serve as a hunting lodge, later housing regional- and historic-themed museum expositions. The 16 m high banqueting hall with excellent acoustics is often used as concert hall.

Podtrosecké Ponds

The canyon valleys under the ruins of Trosky Castle hide a group of eight ponds: Věžák, Nebák, Vidlák, Krčák, Hrudka, Rokytňák, Dolský and Podsemínský. The banks of the ponds are lined with mostly sandstone rocks. Želejovský Brook that runs through the ponds of Vidlák, Krčák and Věžák and flows into the Žehrovka River passes through Želejovské údolí, a valley surrounded by rocks and coniferous forest. The area is known for a lot of well-preserved examples of traditional folk architecture.

Kost Castle

A well-preserved and sturdy gothic castle built on a rock in the second half of the 14th century – not high above the surrounding terrain, but in the valley, hidden in the woods of Bohemian Paradise. After the Thirty Years’ war, it avoided the fate of many other castles destined for removal, but has been deserted since the mid-18th century. It was rebuilt and reopened after World War Two. This castle is one of those with an unforgettable outline, dominated by the characteristic quadrangular tower. The interior houses a remarkably large renaissance black kitchen.